[geometry-ml:00958] Miniworkshop at IPMU 11/16-17 (Shakleton's abstract added)

Satoshi Kondo satoshi.kondo @ gmail.com
2009年 11月 3日 (火) 19:44:27 JST

Dear colleagues:

We announce again the following miniworkshop at IPMU
(the Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe)
now with Shakleton's title and abstract.


Satoshi Kondo (IPMU)


Workshop on Recent Advances in Mathematics at IPMU

Date:   Nov. 16-17, 2009
Place:  Seminar Room at IPMU Prefab B
Organizing Committee:  Alexey Bondal and Kyoji Saito


16 November (Mo)
 9:45 - 10:45     Yuichi Nohara
11:00 - 12:00     Sergei Galkin
14:00 - 15:00     Alex Bene
15:30 - 16:30     Alexander Getmanenko

17 November (Tu)
 9:45 - 10:45     Tathagata Basak
11:00 - 12:00     Paul Bressler
14:00 - 15:00     Mikael Pichot
15:30 - 16:30     Ken Shakleton

***** Title and Abstract of Talks *****

Yuichi Nohara:
Title: Toric degenerations of Gelfand-Cetlin systems
      and potential functions
Abstract: It is well known that a polarized toric variety is
      related to a moment polytope in two different ways,
      monomial basis and the moment map. In the case of flag manifolds,
      certain polytopes, called Gelfand-Cetlin polytopes, also appear
      in similar ways: the Gelfand-Cetlin basis, a basis of an
      irreducible representation; and the Gelfand-Cetlin system,
      a completely integrable system. Furthermore the flag manifold
      admits a degeneration into a toric variety corresponding to
      the Gelfand-Cetlin polytope. Kogan and Miller proved that
      the Gelfand-Cetlin basis can be deformed into monomial basis
      on the toric variety under the degeneration.
      We show that the Gelfand-Cetlin system can be deformed into
      a moment map on the toric variety. We also apply the result
      to disk counting and calculate the potential function for a
      Lagrangian torus fiber of the Gelfand-Cetlin system.
      This is a joint work with T. Nishinou and K. Ueda.

Sergei Galkin:
Ttitle: Landau-Ginzburg models of Fano varieties
Abstract: TBA

Alex Bene:
Ttitle: Feynman diagrams and mapping class representations.
Abstract: In this talk, I will review how elementary moves on fatgraphs,
    a type of Feynman diagram with cyclically oriented vertices
    arising in 2D quantum gravity, defines the so-called Ptolemy groupoid, which
    can be viewed as an enlargement of the mapping class group of a
    bordered surface.  This viewpoint allows for the possibility of
    certain mapping class representations to be "extended to the groupoid
    level."  I will discuss examples of such representations which have
    target a certain vector space generated by similar Feynman diagrams
    called Jacobi diagrams which have arisen in the field of finite type
    invariants and Chern-Simons theory.

Alexander Getmanenko:
Title: Towards proving existence of resurgent solutions of a linear ODE.
Abstract: The talk will be devoted to discussion of foundational issues
    in the mathematically rigorous hyperasymptotic, or
    "resurgent",theory of linear differential equations. We will look at
    Shatalov-Sternin's proof of existence of resurgent  solutions of a
    linear ODE and discuss the construction of analytic continuation to a
    common "Riemann surface'' of all terms of the von Neumann
    series appearing in their proof. A more modest statement will be
    presented that we could write up in a detailed and rigorous fashion.
    We will also mention possible applications of the theory.

Reference: arXiv:0907.2934

Tathagata Bassak:
Title: TBA

Paul Bressler:
Title: Deformations of gerbes

Mikael Pichot:
Title: Groups of intermediate rank.
Abstract: I will introduce countable
      discrete groups which interpolate
      the classical (integer) values of the
      rank, especially between rank 1
      and rank 2. This is joint work with
      S. Barre.

Ken Shakleton
Title: On the coarse geometry of Teichmueller space
Abstract: We discuss the synthetic geometry of the
     pants graph in comparison with the Weil-Petersson
     metric, whose geometry the pants graph coarsely
     models following work of Brock’s. We also restrict
     our attention to the pants graph of the 5-holed sphere,
     studying the Gromov bordification and the dynamics
     of pseudo-Anosov mapping classes.

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