[geometry-ml:00935] Mini-workshop on Differential Geometry and Topology

Hajime Urakawa urakawa @ math.is.tohoku.ac.jp
2009年 10月 2日 (金) 15:19:43 JST

                     東北大学大学院情報科学研究科 浦川 肇
       Mini-Workshop on Differential Geometry and Topology

Venue: Graduate School of Information Sciences, Tohoku University,
       7th floor, 710 Seminar Room
    Aoba, 6-3-09, Sendai, 980-8579
Date: October, 3th, (Sat)
      10:30--11:30, M. Tanaka (Tohoku Univ):
           The existence of a global fixed point of an isometric 
           action on a Busemann nonpositive curvature space.
             (Lunch at Restaurant of Faculty of Engeneering)
      1:30--2:00, H. Kurihara (Tohoku Univ):
           A construction of spherical designs from association schemes
           using the theory of crystal lattices.
      2:15--3:15, A. Takatsu (Tohoku Univ):
           Entropy and Wasserstein space
      3:30--4:30, M. Ishikawa (Tohoku Univ):
         The standard contact structure and quasipositive surface in S^3. 
      4:45--5:30, H. Urakawa (Tohoku Univ):
         Geometry of biharmonic maps and the integrable systems. 

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