[geometry-ml:00778] Seminar at IPMU on 2009/1/9

Satoshi Kondo satoshi.kondo @ gmail.com
2009年 1月 5日 (月) 16:48:25 JST

Dear colleagues:

We announce the following seminar at IPMU
(the Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe).


Satoshi Kondo (IPMU)

Date:   Jan 9, 2009, 13:30-15:00
Place:  Seminar Room at IPMU Prefab. B, Kashiwa Campus of the
University of Tokyo
Speaker:  Dmitry Kaledin (Steklov Institute)
Title:  Fedosov quantization in algebraic and holomorphic setting
Abstract:       TBA

Please notice that the seminar will be held at the "Prefab" of IPMU.

You can check the location from

The schedule of the seminar can be checked from

Satoshi Kondo

Geometry-ml メーリングリストの案内