
"太田啓史" ohta @ math.nagoya-u.ac.jp
2007年 7月 12日 (木) 12:49:30 JST



Conference on Symplectic Geometry

Organizer: K. Fukaya (Kyoto), K. Ono (Sapporo), H. Ohta (Nagoya).

Date: July 23  -- July 27, 2007.

Place : RIMS, Kyoto University.

Monday 23
2 pm Viterbo  (Polytechnique)
4 pm Nishinou(Tohoku)
Correspondences between tropical and holomorphic curves

Tuesday 24
10 am Frauenfelder  (Munchen)
Compactness of flow lines for Rabinowitz's action functional on
very negative line bundles
11:30 am  Moriyama(Osaka)
Asymptotically holomorphic embeddings of
presymplectic manifolds into projective spaces
2:30 pm Lee (Purdue)
The "HMT" Floer homologies and a filtrated connected-sum formula
4:00pm  Nohara(Tohoku)
Projective embeddings and Lagrangian fibrations of
Abelian varieties and Kummer varieties

Wednessday 25
10:am Auroux (MIT)
Mirror symmetry in the complement of an anticanonical divisor
11:30 am Iritani(Kyushu)
Mirror symmetry and crepant resolution conjecture

free afternoon

Thursday 26
10:am Cielibak (Munchen)
A note on Reeb dynamics on the tight 3-sphere
11:30 am Konno(Tokyo)
Geometry of hyperkahler quotients
2:30 pm Paternain (Cambridge)
Magnetic flows on Sol-manifolds: dynamical and symplectic aspects
4:00pm  Shimada(Sapporo)
Fundamental groups of complements of dual varieties in Grassmannian

Frieday 27
10:am Welschinger  (Ecole Normale, Lyon)
Effective classes and Lagrangian tori in symplectic four-manifolds
11:30 am Ishiakwa(Sapporo)
Local classification of parametric Lagrangian varieties

Geometry-ml メーリングリストの案内